Pantaflix Watch Online Django Unchained

Average Rating=8,7 / 10 star. 2 hours 45 Min. Genre=Drama. . Directors=Quentin Tarantino. Year=2012





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I love the sense of occasion a Tarantino film has, he's in the lucky position of being one of the most popular and controversial directors of the past twenty years. Some may find him self-indulgent, but the merits of his energetic, funny and flamboyant films are undeniable; it's fantastic that he is able to make such edgy blockbusters.
'Django Unchained' which is effectively a 'buddy film' charts the relationship between German bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz) and Django (Jamie Foxx) a slave Schultz rescues. Together they endeavour to save Django's wife from the notorious 'Candie Land' a vast plantation owned by the ruthless Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio.
The film has a great ensemble cast. Jamie Foxx makes the most of his character, who for the most part is a 'man-with-no-name' figure. He accomplishes Tarantino's goal of 'giving Black American males a Western hero. DiCaprio successfully depicts Candie as a pompous pseudo- intellectual and at times a nasty piece of work, however the extent to which he brushes off barbed comments from Django surprised me, there were moments where I wondered if he was menacing or authoritative enough. Based on the great 'Killer Joe' 2012) I wondered how Matthew McConaughey would have performed the role, he could have steeped it in menace, however I doubt he could have achieved the risible ignorance of DiCaprio.
Christoph Waltz again showcases his talent here, however his character in 'Inglorious Basterds' gave him more scope to perform his charming but deadly persona. Samuel L. Jackson completely transforms into the character of Stephen, who is Candie's geriatric butler and the ultimate uncle tom. Jackson's performance is my favourite, he's both a tragic and very nasty figure. Tarantino himself appears in the later stages of the film with an Australian accent that ranges from being incoherent to not very Australian at all – thankfully it's strictly a cameo.
There are laughs all the way through 'Django' a notable example being when slave owner 'Big Daddy' Don Johnson) attempts to explain to a slave how she should treat the newly liberated and somewhat respected Django – it completely ridicules the nonsensical, pernicious madness of racism.
I also found myself disregarding any form of moral compass and laughing heartily at the more cartoonish displays of violence. There is one particular scene that is a veritable bloodbath, seldom in the annals of celluloid has there been a moment more deserving of the term!
Some have criticised the film's length, however I had little trouble with its 165 minute running time. There were indeed sections of the film, chiefly before and during the 'Candie Land' period, which could have been trimmed perhaps, however I was perfectly content.
The majority won't be disappointed, the film has all the earmarks of a Tarantino film – he is the ultimate fan boy auteur. I can't wait to see it again.


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